Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire - 25th to 27th May 2013 - Major Battle
The Cittye of London Brigade & The Scots Brigade are proud to present a Sealed Knot Spectacular at this most prestigious venue.
3 days of action on the battlefield and possibly the biggest authentic Military Living History encampment ever assembled.
More details to be found on Blenheim Palace's official website
- just click on the photo of the rather dashing looking fellow with the polearm!
3 days of action on the battlefield and possibly the biggest authentic Military Living History encampment ever assembled.
More details to be found on Blenheim Palace's official website
- just click on the photo of the rather dashing looking fellow with the polearm!
Naseby, Northamptonshire - 22nd & 23rd June 2013 - Booked Mini
This event is being organised by Col. Robert Hammond's Regiment and The Naseby Battlefield Trust.
There will be skirmishes, drill displays and a march to the battlefield - much fun will be had by all.
There will be skirmishes, drill displays and a march to the battlefield - much fun will be had by all.
Wentworth Castle, near Barnsley - 27th & 28th July 2013 - Major Battle
Newcastle's Regiment along with the Wentworth Castle Gardens Trust host this event on a large site.
The engagements will be a recreation of The Battle of Tankersley (1643)
The engagements will be a recreation of The Battle of Tankersley (1643)
Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire - 25th & 26th August 2013 - Major Battle
After last year's Major engagement here over the Jubilee holiday, the Sealed Knot is pleased to returning here for the August Bank Holiday Battle.