Blimey! Haven't been here for a while...(understatement!)
Where did the time go? Last posted here over 2 years ago. Unfortunately the site has been neglected as of late (my fault entirely) and this will be rectified.
We are at the start of a new season and only a few short weeks away from what promises to be one of the best musters for some time, at Blenheim Palace. So dust off your kit, kick out the jams and get battling!
Last one to the skirmish line buys the first round!
Yours in the Cause
Adrian M. Salisbury-Smith
Officer Commanding, Col. Samuel Jones' Regimentof Foote.
Where did the time go? Last posted here over 2 years ago. Unfortunately the site has been neglected as of late (my fault entirely) and this will be rectified.
We are at the start of a new season and only a few short weeks away from what promises to be one of the best musters for some time, at Blenheim Palace. So dust off your kit, kick out the jams and get battling!
Last one to the skirmish line buys the first round!
Yours in the Cause
Adrian M. Salisbury-Smith
Officer Commanding, Col. Samuel Jones' Regimentof Foote.